Hi, good to hear from ya. :)
am I the worst daughter or what? Totally spaced Father's Day. I love
you, dad. I know you know. Hope it was a good one. Last Father's day was
day 33 on my mission and I spoke in Sacrament Meeting in my first area.
I was scarrrrrrrrreeeeeed. And now here we are, a year later. Super
Sounds like summer is going great! Love the pictures and videos. It's so fun to see :)
Well, here is a low down of Sister Merrill's and my week:
We had a lesson with Patty (our recent convert) with her friend J, and we shared a Father's Day message. We watched 'Earthly Father,
Heavenly Father' and talked about all of our dad's... (Yes I even showed
them a picture of the fam, and yes dad was getting hit on by two 50
year old ladies!) and what they mean to us and how they've impacted
us. Then we talked about the Father we all share: God :) it was really
J was intently listening and really enjoyed it. Sheesh
Wednesday: I honestly can't remember... and Thursday was kind of the same...
We went and checked on a referal and the house was like a mansion, and
there are at least 5 NICE cars in the front (one of them being a hummer
BARF) and we knocked on the door, playing dumb, and he and his wife
answered the door. If there was a couple I could pick to describe these
two, it'd be the parents off of Matilda. Short, BEEFY RIPPED shirtless
guy with tatt's, and fake baked, with his wife who was at least a foot
taller than him with neon blonde hair, face caked with make up and fake
baked as well. Anyway, it was super short, they weren't interested in
the slightest. It was just... a funny moment.
Saturday we helped someone move... oh, that's all we do here
by the way. EVERYONE and their dog is moving.
Sunday was probs the best day. We had a mission fast in
gratitude for all of the Many Mighty Miracles we've seen in the MMM, and
ya know... fasting always brings blessings... and miracles! Well, we
had like zero appointments. All day long. Day of finding. In the
thunderstorms. Fortunately, once we got to the church, the elders
approached us telling us that one of the elders has been sick for a full
week and needs to sleep to get better. So we were able to take their
WHOLE DAY! Wahooo! It was so great to meet all their investigators. We
met many Hmong families.. since... the elders are Hmong speaking
missionaries... and one of them was K.. she is a cutie 16 year old! She is so so so sweet, and her mom was so so so hard to
understand but super sweet, and we were able to teach a little of the
Plan of Salvation before they left to be with fam. Butttttttttttt...
Guess what? I got my Hmong name! I've been waiting for this day! C, the
mom, named me! My Hmong name is Siab Zoo pronounced: She-heh Xiong (and
you have to say it with the right tone. Siab is higher in tone than
Zoo... and it means kind hearted. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Melted my heart.
I'm so happy.
Then we met J and K and they had 4 little boys ages 5, 4, 2,
and 1... it was a MAD HOUSE. It was suuuuuuuuuuper hot, smelled like
little boys and Hmong food and we had the most beautiful experience. The
Holy Ghost completely took over the lesson. Sister Merrill and I were
able to asked many inspired questions and testify and promise specific
blessings. For a moment this place became one of the most sacred places I
have been on in my mission! We invited to pray about the second week of
July to be baptized, and he gladly accepted. Afterwards he was just
thanking us sooooooo much for all we said and how much better he felt.
It was cool. We called the elders afterwards, and told them all that
happened and they were SHOCKED. They have been trying to get in with
them for a month, and haven't had any success for a baptismal date. It
was all just meant to be I guess!
Anyway, this email is massive, my bad. I love you all and I'll see yuh l8r.